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Corporate Seminars

Perfect balance – the basis for health, vitality and success

Maharishi Veda Seminare is specialized in corporate seminars to share effective strategies of ayurveda, yoga and Transcendental Meditation to cope with stress and to manage health. Well-developed seminars provide easy-too-understand and practical knowledge.

The Transcendental Meditation program, for example, is a strategy to find deep rest within a few minutes, reduce stress and gain new energy.

The holistic teaching of Ayurvedic diet is an important component to regain balance. The Ayurvedic Dosha system helps to address specific and individual needs. Yoga-Asanas (body postures) and Pranayama (breathing exercises) help to maintain and strengthen the subtle balance of the mind-body system.

Benefits for managers, employees and the entire company

The programs of Maharishi Veda Seminars bring benefits for everyone involved in a company. They promote creativity, judgment, the ability to think abstractly, ethical business practices, and managerial discretion. For the employees, these programs are an effective method to reduce stress. Performance and motivation increase, the ability to work in a team improves, and sleep disorders, anxiety and aggravations decrease.

The entire company benefits from the programs if a significant number of staff members meditate daily. New levels of efficiency are attained and workflow happens with less friction, which has a positive effect on productivity.

Perfect balance – the basis for health, vitality and success

Maharishi Veda seminars has specialized conducting business seminars in order to provide the effective strategies of ayurveda, yoga and Transcendental Meditation for stress management and health management. For this purpose a number of seminars have been structured, which convey these contents easily understandable and practical.

Seminar aims (examples):

  • Insight into the theory and practice of the Maharishi Ayurveda health system
  • Healthy behavior easy to implement in daily life
  • Recognition of the benefits of this prevention-oriented health management for the individual and the company as a whole

Content main points (examples):

  • The importance of meditation to deal with stress
  • Healthy eating habits: Ayurvedic recommendations
    in daily life
  • Panchakarma – the deep physiological cleansing therapy

Topic overview (examples):

  • Stable health is key for successful management
  • Gaining new insights into health and disorders with the Maharishi Ayurveda program
  • Determination of the individual Dosha type
  • Significance of the personal constitution for fitness, performance and well-being
  • Yoga: Introduction to a selection of basic Yoga-Asanas and Pranayama (breathing technique)