Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow – 2006
Lothar Pirc, Karin Pirc, M.D., and Prof. Nikolay Drozdov at the award ceremony
Lothar Pirc addresses the Russian Academy of Sciences – 500 honorary guests from the fields of politics, culture, science, and business.
Lothar Pirc addresses 500 honorary guests at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
After the award ceremony, the only laureate to be given the honor to address the 500 invited guests within the framework of the celebratory event was Lothar Pirc.
He elucidated Maharishi Ayurveda’s uniqueness and outlined the treatment successes at the Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center in Bad Ems, Germany.
His 15-minute address was broadcast in its completeness by 35 regional television stations throughout Russia and the CIS.
One of the many TV interviews after the celebration.
The national broadcasting station invited Lothar Pirc and his wife, Karin Pirc, M.D., for a live interview next morning.
During the half-hour broadcast, they explained Maharishi Ayurveda’s principles and its importance for the national health-care system and reported on the benefits of Transcendental Meditation for individual health.
Lothar Pirc and Dr. Karin Pirc with translator, life on the largest national tv-station.