Fundamental Principles of Maharishi Ayurveda and Practical Every-Day Remedies – 19–20 November 2009, Mexico

During a two-day continuing education seminar in Mexico City, Lothar Pirc addressed the about 280 participating physicians and spoke on the fundamental principles of Maharishi Ayurveda and the revival by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. An excerpt:

An excerpt:

“Ayurveda, India’s wide-spectrum natural health system, has been fundamentally renewed since the end of the seventies.
Under the guidance and inspiration of the Indian sage Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, foremost exponents of Ayurveda have combined its universal principles and the many fragments of its application which had been preserved in individual family traditions scattered across India, and restored the ancient knowledge in its original completeness.
By incorporating findings of modern medicine and other sciences, a complete, comprehensive health system was reinstituted, representing the traditional Ayurvedic knowledge in its highest perfection and effectiveness in accord with the classical texts. This holistic health system is called Maharishi Ayurveda.”

The Mexico City venue where the seminar for medical professionals was held.

The Mexico City venue where the seminar for medical professionals was held.